10 Unexpected Health Advantages of Badam Pisin (Almond Gum)

    The edible resin of the almond tree is known as almond gum. It goes well with either warm milk or water. Badam Pisin is another name for it. For users, badam pisin provides a lot of advantages. Almond gum is a well-known natural body coolant and is incredibly beneficial in regulating body heat and temperature.

    A natural gum called Badam Pisin, Badam Gum, or Almond Gum offers incredible health advantages, including helping with weight reduction and lowering body temperature. When soaked in water, it transforms into a jelly and is a component of the well-known Jigarthanda beverage. In Tamil Nadu, badam pisin is often consumed in the summer.

What is Badam Pisin/Almond Gum?

    A natural gum made from the sweet almond tree is called badam pisin. Prunus Dulcis is the sweet almond tree's scientific name. Contrary to popular belief, badam gum is not made from Indian badam trees. The Terminalia Catappa, often known as the Indian badam tree, does not provide any gum. Badam pisin resembles little rocks and is either colourless, pale yellow, or light brown.

How were Almond Gums Made?

    The almond seeds were cooked in water. It was separated from the almond's oil content. It was then filtered and dried. This process might take two hours. Following that, the gum was ground into a fine powder.

Benefits of Almond Gum for Skin/Hair

    Badam Pisin has strong antibacterial properties and promotes speedy healing of skin lesions. Moreover, it helps with a variety of skin disorders. This covers rashes, infections, acne, and other skin-related issues. Due to these advantages, it is used as a component in a variety of natural creams and summer face packs. When it comes to natural cures, Badam Pisin also aids in controlling heat boils due to its cooling characteristics.

Hair loss brought on by mental distress, poor diet, hormonal changes, and ageing can be treated with almond gum. The blood circulation in the scalp is stimulated by badam pisin. It encourages the scalp region's new development.

Benefits of Badam Pisin or Almond gum:

1. Increase Immune Strength

    Our immune system was strengthened with almond gum. Vitamin E is present in overabundance. It defends us against free radicals. Our body's tissues and cells are impacted by free radicals. The cancer-causing viruses are combated by vitamin E. Hence, it shields us from getting cancer. It keeps dandruff at bay. Our skin becomes dry as we age because it has lost its natural oily composition. Almond gum provided a solution to this issue.

2. Betters Digestion

    Digestion is enhanced with almond gum. It functions in the body as a prebiotic. Since it nourishes the intestine's helpful microorganisms. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that provide food for probiotic microorganisms in the gut. Probiotics strengthen the immune and digestive systems and fight illness.

3. Helps one Lose Weight

    Losing weight is encouraged with almond gum. It boosts appetite and post-meal enjoyment. Calorie consumption increases with reduced meal intake. Our stomachs are filled with badam pisin meals. As a result, they consume less calories.

4. Beneficial for the Heart

    Our hearts benefit from the use of almond gum. When fat is decreased. Our cell membrane contains a significant amount of cholesterol. Lack of cholesterol causes the cell membrane to deteriorate and break down. A component of mono-saturated cholesterol is badam pisin.

5. Boosts the Production of Sperm

    Since it includes zinc, which raises the level of testosterone, almond gum increases the number of sperm. The most crucial hormone for male fertility is testosterone.

6. Healthy for Pregnancy

    During pregnancy, almonds are secure. due to the absence of any allergens or dangerous compounds. Despite the fact that eating more seeds might cause constipation, pregnant women should avoid doing so.

7. Inflammation is Decreased

    Since almond gum has flavonoids and polyphenols, it helps to decrease inflammation. The oxygenation of LDL cholesterol can be avoided thanks to polyphenols and flavonoids. There is less artery inflammation, which is a major contributor to heart disease.

8. Protects against Cancer

    We are guarded against cancer thanks to almond gum. There are phytochemicals in it that combat free radicals. Free radicals damage DNA and produce mutations that can lead to cancer.

9. Boost Bone Strength

    Almond gum is beneficial for constructing strong bones since it includes calcium. For bone formation and maintenance, calcium is crucial.Body pains and back discomfort can be effectively treated with badam pisin, which also strengthens the muscles. Also, it helps the body gain muscular growth while improving its ability to endure physical exertion.

10. Lowers Cholesterol

    LDL cholesterol levels are reduced by badam pisin, which also controls blood insulin levels. Frequent use of badam pisin not only lowers cholesterol but also helps to keep blood pressure levels in line.Simply said, it helps to prevent a variety of cardiovascular disorders while maintaining the health of the heart.

Almond Gum Side Effects

    Badam Pisin is not an exception to the rule that anything in excess is unhealthy. Excessive consumption of badam pisin might cause stomach distress.

    If not ingested in moderation, it might result in the body producing more toxins. Badam Pisin overuse can also cause choking, a nervous problem, and shortness of breath.

    Thus, it is advised to only drink tiny amounts of it. Before using Badam Pisin, pregnant women and breastfeeding moms are advised to speak with a doctor

Can we regularly consume Almond Gum?

    Absolutely, consuming just one cup of almond gum every day is harmless. Indigestion will result if we go above this limit. Have this dessert on a regular basis, but no more than four times each week.