11 Nutritional Benefits Of Kambu (Pearl Millets)

        The cultivation of Pennisetum glaucum, popularly known as pearl millet, is recognised in Tamil culture as "KAMBU." This widely grown grain is also known as dukn, cumbu, gero, sanio, kambu, babala, or bulrush millet in India. Nonetheless, it is a staple meal in many poor nations. The crop is simple to raise and has a range of healthy nutrients for the body. It is a good source of protein, fibre, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, all of which are important nutrients.

    These grains, which are sometimes referred to as millets, are full in nutrients and suitable for consumption by people of all ages, including newborns, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Sorghum (Jowar), Finger Millets (Ragi/Nachni), Proso Millets, Foxtail Millets, and Tiny Millets (samai) are other millet varieties that are utilised in a variety of ways across the world to improve the nutritional content of everyday meals.


Kambu (Pearl Millets) Health Benefits:

1. Maintains Heart Health

    Kambu, like all other grains, benefits the heart since it contains plenty of Fibre, plant lignans, magnesium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to regulating heart rate and arterial health, omega-3 oils can assist decrease blood pressure and lipids. Blood pressure is reduced by magnesium, which lessens the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Potassium is a good vasodilator, which lowers blood pressure. Fiber lowers harmful cholesterol, therefore defending the heart

2. Control of Weight

    Because it is made of complex carbs, it enters our digestive system slowly, increasing satiety while guaranteeing a steady supply of energy. By doing this, overeating and bingeing in between meals are reduced

3. Enhanced Digestion

    An indication of overall health is a healthy bowel, and Kambu aids in achieving proper digestion and preventing constipation. It is the best cereal for celiac disease sufferers since it is gluten-free. Eat low often if you suffer from constipation since the insoluble Fibre it contains gives your stool more volume and controls bowel movements

4. Boosts Bone Strength

    Kambu should be in your diet plan if you are over 30 and already experiencing joint discomfort. In addition to strengthening bones and reducing joint discomfort, this phosphorus-rich millet also lowers the chance of developing chronic disorders like osteoporosis. Your bones get stronger thanks to Kambu high phosphorous concentration

5. Healthy Eye vision

A chronic condition, night blindness can occasionally be inherited. Kambu, which is rich in zinc and vitamin A, prevents night blindness, improves vision, and lessens other vision-related issues like macular degeneration or presbyopia. Impaired eyesight in children and adults can lead to major difficulties

6. Lung power is increased

    Kambu is a great winter diet, especially for individuals with asthma and COPD. Omega-3 fatty acids and the anti-inflammatory qualities of pearl millet aid to clean the mucosa, decrease edoema, and promote healthy breathing

7. Manage your Diabetes

    The only way to control and manage diabetes if you have it is to be aware of these methods. Because it contains a lot of magnesium, bajra lowers insulin resistance and helps regulate our body's glucose receptors. Glucose levels are kept steady for a considerable amount of time by the carbohydrates included in pearl millets, which are slowly digested. As a result, they are a nutritious meal choice for diabetics

8. Avoids Constipation

    Promoting gut health is one of Kambu advantages. To put it another way, eating the pearl millet will ensure that constipation stays at bay. This is due to the insoluble Fibre found in Kambu

9. Blood Pressure is Reduced

    Because of its high potassium content, Kambu is well recognised for helping those with high blood pressure. By removing more salt from your body, eating more potassium-rich foods will lower blood pressure

10. Healthy Baby food

    Since they are quickly absorbed and well accepted by young children, Pearl millet is a required component of baby food during the weaning stage and even after

11. A source of Antioxidants

    Inhibits early ageing, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cardiovascular illnesses, and wound healing by reducing the body's exposure to free radicals