
Muskmelon is a powerhouse of potassium, vitamins, and minerals and is regarded as being excellent for renal, blood pressure, and eye health. Get all the advantages from a specialist in Ayurveda.


   Fruits with a high water content that are delectable, reviving, and nourishing are also associated with the summer season. One of the most anticipated fruits of the season is kharbooza, also known as muskmelon, because of its unrivalled flavour and smell. The name "muskmelons" comes from Iran and refers to the fruit's exquisite aroma.

   Muskmelon is a powerhouse of potassium, vitamins, and minerals and is regarded as being excellent for renal, blood pressure, and eye health. It is a fantastic snack for those who have diabetes as well because it has a low glycaemic load and regulates blood sugar levels.

   Muskmelon can aid those who get constipation in the summer since it is strong in dietary fibre and facilitates bowel movements. Muskmelon is a dependable source of vitamin C and antioxidants that help boost natural immunity and guard against cancer and heart disease.

Adding Muskmelon to your Diet:

              1. Juice from a muskmelons: Cut the fruit into cubes and remove the seeds. To extract juice, blend two cups of muskmelon and filter. For infants older than six months, it is a fantastic source of nutrients.

            2Muskmelon milkshake: To prepare a muskmelon milkshake, chop the fruit into cubes and combine with milk, cream, and some crushed ice.

            3Muskmelon kheer: If you're seeking for summertime dessert options that are still nutritious, go no further than muskmelon kheer. Cubed muskmelon, milk, sugar, and dry fruits are cooked together.